2023-07-30 — Lift Saga

Oh boy, today has been a bit hectic for a Sunday.

I managed to spend most of the day out of my recliner and being relatively productive.

I sent out what I thought were the last of the text messages to try and help get my late sister’s stuff distributed to the family members who wanted to claim her belongings.

Unfortunately, I learned later in the day that one of the phone numbers that I was sending the messages to was the wrong phone number, so one of the most important people who is supposed to have been getting the messages for the last who knows how many weeks, didn’t get any of the messages at all.


That’s really discouraging. Because once again, now I have to start all over, resending everything, and somebody might have claimed some of the things that were his or that he would have wanted.


This project has taken so much time, and I keep realizing that I screwed stuff up again and again.


Lamenting isn’t going to solve anything, though. I just have to suck it up and deal with it.

I woke up this morning to a gazillion inquiries about the aerial lift that I’m selling. Lots and lots and lots of people interested. I had one drive all the way from Kansas, and I told him that I would put other people off until he was able to get there and look at it.

After a 3-hour drive, he decided he wasn’t going to get it because apparently he didn’t read the part of my ad that said the lift doesn’t have a serial plate.

So they drove back. 🙃

I helped distribute more of my sister’s things, and then someone else came over to look at the lift. They decided they wanted to buy it, which I was really grateful for, and the way I didn’t make back what I had into it, it was decently close enough for me to at least be happy with it.

They put it on refundable $1,000 deposit down, and they’re going to come back tomorrow with the rest of the money and to pick up the lift.

That was totally great until it crossed my mind that I had forgotten to tell them one of the important potential concerns about the lift.

Then I felt anxious and crappy. I guess I have an overactive conscience since it was an honest omission because of a lapse of memory, but it still feels crappy. I was also anxious because I was worried they would want their money back and I’d be starting over selling it again. That’s not that big of a deal, but I’ve still been feeling crappy and anxious ever since that realization came to me.

In an effort to be transparent when I was selling it, I made a copy of the conversation that I had with the person I bought it from so that they had a paper trail to the previous owner as well, since they were buying a lift that didn’t have a serial plate, and though small, there’s always a risk that it’s been stolen.

I didn’t realize until later that that conversation also included my complaints to the person I bought it from because it was breaking down on every job we’d tried to use it on. That was a poor way of saying it because I had only had one job, it had “broken down” twice during that one job, but what I wrote made it sound super bad, like it was just a lemon.


In an effort to resolve the issue, I wrote up a detailed history of the lift since I bought it to the present, and I emailed it to the guy, and just asked him to read through it and let me know if he has questions or concerns.

I feel stupid both because what I wrote to the guy I bought it from was true but misleading. The lift having issues on every job we’d used it on… yes, but it was only one job. 😕

And that misleading message now looks super bad, if this guy actually reads that conversation. 😅

So… I wrote the full history as best as I could remember it in order to have the true history of events be as clear as I could make it.


Hopefully he’ll read through everything. If he wants his money back from the non-refundable deposit, I’ll go ahead and give it back without any question. No biggie. I’ll just relist the lift and start over.

Sometimes I hate selling things. It would be easy if everything I sold were problem free. But that’s not how it generally works when you’re selling equipment or vehicles. There’s always going to be something that’s an issue. It’s tempting to not want to disclose everything because you don’t want to lose the sale or to get less money. So I often have to fight that temptation. But I also have a super active conscience, so I wouldn’t make it very far anyway without my conscience smashing my head into a wall if I were hiding things.

Anyway, I’m anxious. Once he reads through the summary, and once whatever is going to happen happens, then I’ll be able to relax. In the meantime, I’m stressed. 😅

Apparently, I stress pretty easily.

It’s kind of funny that this whole anxiousness and conscience thing is so strong right now. I was feeling so good about it all earlier, feeling like I had disclosed everything, and they were buying the lift, and I was getting at least a decent price for it, and all was great and I could be happy about it. But all that fell apart when I realized I’d forgot to mention one of the potentially important details that probably really doesn’t change anything in the long run, but I suppose could.

And it’s hard to remember who all I’ve told what when people are asking questions. It’s hard to remember everything, and it’s hard to remember whether I told everything to every person. The brain plays tricks because I know I’ve told somebody something, but I don’t remember if I already told that person or not or if I’m remembering telling that thing but it was actually to the previous person.

Sorry, I guess these paragraphs are perfect representation of me stressing out. I should probably write summaries about whatever it is that I’m selling before I even start selling it, that way I can just have it there for people to read, and I don’t have to worry about it. Except that even after writing the summary, I remember more things. It’s just dumb. You can’t remember everything, and then I feel guilty if I forgot to tell them something, then I don’t know what to do because then I feel like maybe they’ll think I was dishonest because I’m telling them after they bought something or after they put down a down payment or after whatever it is.


And I’m just now remembering that I forgot to write something important on that list that I emailed the guy. I’m pretty sure I told him in person, but I don’t have it on the list that I just wrote out tonight.


Super stressed.

Anyway, I brought my newer equipment hauler up to our house and parked it in the back. I moved my dump trailer over by where my skid steer is in the upper pasture. I moved my old beat up trailer out of where it was, so it would be easier to deal with later when someone decides to buy it. In the process, I had to pull it sort of sideways because the family put the garden right there and so I couldn’t just pull it straight up. I had to kind of drag it sideways, and that popped the bead of one of the tires off, causing it to go flat immediately.

One more thing.

Oh well.

Then I went over to the other mini excavator to get it started because it’s next on the chopping block, but the battery was completely toast, and there was a big wasp’s nest inside the battery compartment.

Gratefully, I was able to eradicate the wasp nest without getting stung, and I was able to remove the battery and bring it up to be charged. Hopefully it’s resurrectable, but my guess is it’s toast.

After coming home, I spent probably two plus hours writing the history of the lift because I’m so worried about feeling like I did wrong by the people who bought it from me.

Now it’s after midnight, and because I spent all that time trying to make sure that my conscience was clear, I didn’t get my schedule for tomorrow fleshed out, so I have no idea who I’m going to go to first and what the order of jobs is going to be. So that’s a crappy way to start what’s supposed to be a really really long day that’s completely full up of jobs.

So the day started out looking so promising, and yes, I got some good things done, and it was a win to have not spent most of my day in my recliner, but it’s the end of the day, and I’m super duper stressed out, so It doesn’t feel like much of a win at all. It feels like a big, crappy, mess that I still don’t know how to fix because now I realize that there’s that other important thing to add to the list of things I wanted to include in the history to tell them about that could be a big deal, but I’m pretty sure I did tell them in person, but I didn’t put it on the list, and so that’s kind of… ugh. I just hate this. Now I’ve already sent them the email with that list, and it just feels stupid to send it again with more updates.


I’m discouraged.

I’m gonna go to sleep. 😕

Good night.

~ stephen

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